Mono the monkey


Mono the Monkey is a little stubborn circus monkey. Mono looks extremely convincing, and some audience members express their shock & horror convinced "a real" monkey is being used.

Mono can ride his bike, play the organ, he screeches and squeaks, makes everybody laugh and gives some people a fright and some even burst out in tears. Mono can get you to do anything for him when he looks you in the eyes, but be aware he is a cheeky monkey!

Performance: Mono the Monkey is a street show with an ambulant part and a stationary part.
Ambulant: We move through the streets with Mono on his bicycle. He attracts a lot of attention and causes a lot of excitement and sometimes he makes a big mess. Mono moves like a monkey, fast, energetic and mischievous. He greets everybody, loves to play with little kids, make friends with dogs, has a chat with grannies and chases screaming teenagers.
During the biking we gather a little crowd on different spots, to demonstrate a trick or joke. And than continue the biking trail.
Stationary: We have a little trolley that functions as a stage: When on the way a good spot is found; the stage-trolley is put down, people can sit, a little story is revealing. In this show Mono makes music on a 100-year-old organ.

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